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Enhance Your CNC Tool Holding!


Most of the CNC tool holders that I see out there are the classic HSK and ISO models with spring collets. They are the most affordable and often do a great job. However, there are a couple other options that more and more of my customers are moving towards.

First off, maintenance on whichever tool holders you have is very important. I recently wrote an article on the best maintenance practices. Find that article, HERE. Proper care of what you have is the first way to enhance your holding power. Imagine trying to open a tightly sealed jar with greasy hands. It’s not going to be as easy as if your hands were clean. Give your tools the best chance at doing their job by keeping them clean.

Next up are two options that I would recommend to enhance your tool holding.

Emuge Tool Holders

Emuge tool holders are the next step up from classic tool holders. They include a stronger clamping force via collet and taper assembly and pin-lock system. These provide guaranteed holding power and pull-out protection. They also don’t need any torquing with a classic torque wrench. This alone has been enough to change people over! These tool holders take a collet that has a longer and stronger grip to hold CNC bits. The collet is threaded into the tool holder then tightened with a torqued allen wrench that comes with the tool holder. In my opinion, they are much easier to use and well worth the slight increase in cost.

ShrinkFIT Tool Holders

ShrinkFIT tool holders sit at the top level of tool holder holding power. No collets are needed here. Each holder is tapered to fit a specific size of CNC bit. They require a machine that heats up the tool holder in order for a tool to slide into the opening of the tool holder. The tool holder then cools down, causing the tool holder sleeve to grip to the tool. This leaves very little runout within your cutting process. This price is substantially more to get started due to the machine cost, but levels out over time as no collets are needed and these tool holders last longer than classic models. These are highly recommended when using tools larger that 1/2″.

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CNC Tooling Shop, a division of Specialty Machinery Inc.


Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST)

Phone: (616) 502-7277

Greg Smolka (Author)

CNC Tooling & Application Manager

Here to help with tooling recommendations (bits, knives, collets, tool holders, maintenance kits, torque stations, etc.) and cutting recommendations (feeds/speeds, tips/tricks, # of passes, etc.).


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